Friday, May 18, 2007

job hunting

I'm looking for a job these days. That's been a lot of fun... well, not really. This whole job search thing makes me feel so helpless. I'm at the mercy of HR managers and recruiters. It sucks not being in control of what I'm doing. The waiting games totally sucks, and whenever I call to follow up with the companies I've applied to (or my staffing company) they act like its a huge inconvenience that I'm calling. On the other hand, if I didn't call, they'd think I wasn't that interested. Double edged sword, I guess.

My severence pay is running out and I still don't know whether I'm going to be approved for unemployment through the state. It's getting a little stressful for me. I know it will all work out somehow, and I'm better off not working where I was - that job was incredibly rediculous.

Anyway, if you know anyone looking for a good Administrative Assistant, or someone who's an expert at window coverings, flooring, paint, or gardening, let me know.

Someone asked me recently what my dream job would be... I think my dream job would be in a place filled with creativity, where I can express my creativity as well as be influenced by other creative people; where I can be an organizational freak, enjoy the people I work with, and feel like I'm making a difference. Is that too much to ask?

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