Saturday, February 3, 2007

Too cold for even Polar Bears

You know, there's nothing like a cozy snow day at home. I love cuddling up on the couch with a good book and my fiance, drinking tea or hot chocolate in comfy pj's. But honestly, I'm seriously tired of snowy, cloudy, short, and below freezing days!!!

I know those who haven't lived here just think that we get snow and cold all the time and that we should be used to it - well, THEY'RE WRONG! We're NOT used to it because yes, we usually have several days of snowfall here, but it only stays around on the ground for a couple of days at most. We're going on something like seven weeks of snow every weekend, and the temperature below 40 degrees! If I wanted to live in this crap, I'd live in Chicago for Pete's sake!!!

If we end up with any more snow, I'm packing my car and moving to California.